Hoempapaa tralalaa, het is weer zondag, ja ja jaa. En dat betekent: een nieuwe Zimbob. Deze keer iets meer toegankelijk dan de vorige (blijkt dat ik de enige ben op deze aardbol met een zekere affiniteit voor James Bond, of toch de enige die er voor durft uitkomen), maar toch weer met een vrij absurd karakter.
Vraagje voor de kenners: was dit een juxtapositie of gewoon een tangconstructie?
Ach, bekijk gewoon de cartoon, reageer en schuif aan bij de paastafel. Er is genoeg voor iedereen en hopelijk bevatten de tikkeneitjes geen salmonella.
Een zalige pasen iedereen.
Zimbob, groen snot en duizelig
32 opmerkingen:
* "True, I never saw this in you, Mary" *
Juxtapositie, tangpositie,...
Een lekker wijf ja, dat is het! Nais one brother.
Ai Laike!
toegankelijk? t 'zal aan de eikes liggen ... maar ksnap 'em nie
Ha den DC, glad 2 see your still checkin in :D
@Occy: 't is gewoon absurdistan. Ik kan 'em uitlegge... maar won't. Geniet gewoon van de kleurtjes :)
schoone kleurkes jawel.
absurdistan I like! twas twoord toegankelijk dat me afschrok
ferme tie... euh kleurkes
Toegankelijk schmoegankelijk inderdaad.
Ja, kleurkes he. Not a man in this world that doesn't like them. Tenzij Will Ferdi misschien.
Of Luc Apperkont.
I don't understand why she is so great, all women can do that.
Pictures! Pictures! Pictures! We want proof, we want proof!
Yeah, but can they do it while pondering the existence of several species of small furry animals, gathering in a cave and grooving with a pict?
Huh, can they? Can they?
I didn't think so.
Aaargh! You quoted the Strange Man! Infidel! Stone him! Stone him!
"If you say Jehove one more time...!"
(This monthly Monty Python quote was brought to you by Gumby)
I am at a loss for words, they have all vanished.
Glad it isn't the worLd.
Again, my apologies for misunderstanding. Mind you, 't was quite funny, wasn't it? Say yes and get a muffin.
No one here wants to see your muffin, Zimbob. And no, keep your donut away from me. :D
I accept the muffin if you are willing to concede that Steven Seagall has immaculate hygiene.
I heard he smelled of elderberries.
Does he now, really? Then tell me, what is that booger hanging down the back of his neck? I've always thought it was a rat that found its resting place there.
But, just to humour you: yes he does: Steven Seagal has immaculate hygiene.
Just go buy a muffin and send me the bill ;)
I can see past the booger when he gives villains that icy, cold expression. Really very powerful acting.
That's when he's trying to read the card they're holding up with his next line.
The Dali Lama likes his company...
The Lama also has a thing for Richard Gere, and that's ... well ... just a comment I thought I'd make.
I love the dalai lama as well as other lama's.
I once had an encounter with a Buddhist man of about 60 years old in Dharamsala, who shook my hand and kept on shaking it, while smiling at me?.
This went on for a couple of minutes and it simply made me happy.
I didn't speak his language nor did he speak mine but the positivity and laughter connected us.
Feeling a bit new agy now haha
and randy I bet...
(snorting un-lady like laughter.)
Last time I tried that, I got purse-slapped!
What exactly was tried?
shaking hands for minutes while smiling and staring at a young and attractive lady.
Was it Mrs. Lebbercherrie or the young lady that walloped you with a purse?
Mrs Lebbercherrie never uses her purse, she uses her fists!
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